Author Archives: Kate

Common Ground

Max Wanger’s cliff diving series isn’t new, but it does remind us that warm weather frolicking is on its way. (Jack and I do love skiing, but we also love a mild, slop-free commute. It’s time.) Wanger’s shots of divers suspended in thin air brought to mind Jess Richmond’s gravity series, and this image in […]

Testing Type

I’m spending some time today tagging along on Jack’s homework: sketching practice. We’ve moved through lines, arcs, circles, ellipses, squares, triangles and textures, and while he moves on to icons and wire frames I’m hung up, per usual, on type. Basic sketching techniques apply to the work we’ve done in monogram design as well – […]

Common Ground

Lighting is an interesting thing. In photography, good lighting – and good use of that lighting – separates professionals and artists from the rest of us. At a party, the right amount of light keeps guests comfortable, but sane. In a museum, lighting can draw subtle boundaries for the visitor, or transform the viewing experience; […]