Author Archives: Kate

Friday Fancies

Exciting week, right? We’re off again soon, to visit friends in CT, but before we go: spend some time staring at Bela Borsodi’s incredibly-composed single photograph that looks like four, take a peek at 9tailors’ work for Northeastern rowing, read Stef Lewandowski’s exploration of little, big ideas, watch this kind of exhausting video compilation of […]

Sturdivant Island

Last weekend we packed up sleeping bags, bathing suits and lasagna and headed to Sturdivant Island with 23 friends for a quick getaway. There were lawn games, board games and card games; we swam, we paddled, we ate, we drank and we got eaten alive by mosquitoes. (Turns out, the bug situation is very different […]

Common Ground: Aram Bartholl + Dóra Maurer

Neither Aram Bartholl’s 0,16 nor Dóra Maurer’s Printing till exhaustion are new works, but I happened upon the former last week just after scrolling past the latter, unattributed, on tumblr. Bartholl uses layers of paper and a light source to create a screen that pixelates shadows of the individual standing behind it. It’s an elegantly […]

Friday Fancies

We’re packing our bags, making a pit stop at work, and heading off to Maine for the weekend. Fingers crossed for sunshine and summer swimming weather! (Follow us on instagram for up-to-the-minute shenanigans.) Before we hit the road, a few recommendations: catch Bri Emery’s thoughts on the new video features in instagram (we’re still checking it […]