The Pantone Project

Paul Octavious has sparked a revolution.

#thepantoneproject - paul octavious // union jack creative

When the Chicago-based photographer began including correlating Pantone cards in his everyday instagram shots, he tagged them #thepantoneproject – and it’s catching.

#thepantoneproject - paul octavious // union jack creative

Octavious’ collection is the largest, but others – feeling inspired – are picking up the hashtag and tagging their own everyday colors on instagram.

#thepantoneproject - paul octavious // union jack creative

#thepantoneproject - paul octavious // union jack creative

#thepantoneproject - paul octavious // union jack creative

#thepantoneproject - paul octavious // union jack creative

#thepantoneproject - paul octavious // union jack creative

Another spinoff project attributing Octavious and #thepantoneproject as inspiration, Tyson Edwards has begun #mycrayola: including corresponding Crayola crayon colors in his instagram photos. I’m looking forward to more from that project as well.

#mycrayola - tyson edwards // union jack creative

For more from Paul Octavious, head to his website, and catch him on instagram. Read more about #thepantoneproject at Wired, and follow Tyson Edwards on instagram for (hopefully) more #mycrayola photos as well.

image credits: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7-Paul Octavious; 8-Tyson Edwards

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