Author Archives: Kate

Friday Fancies

I definitely woke up thinking it might still be Thursday. It’s not, so to round out your week: peruse Matt Molloy’s timelapse “photo stacks” (and read more about how he acheives the smeared sky effect), consider the implications of Blake Fall-Conroy’s Minimum Wage Machine, admire BERG’s horizonless Manhattan maps (now available in print), and if […]

Common Ground

I was puzzled by the list of materials cited for David Huycke’s Imitanulation #2: polyurethane, paint, steel, glass. On first look, the piece brought immediately to mind Tara Donovan’s Untitled (Pins), a cube of straight pins held together by nothing but their own weight and friction, that is part of the ICA’s permanent collection. Imitanulation certainly looked to be […]


From time to time, particularly at networking events just after I’ve explained that we both run Union Jack Creative and have day jobs, someone will ask what our typical day looks like: frankly, not especially exciting. Our typical days involve logging a lot of computer time, for better or worse, and since we don’t live […]

What Ali Wore

Thank goodness for codeine. (I finally got a full night of no-barking-cough sleep last night.) Also a small miracle, is the unlikely friendship that Zoe Spawton has developed with Ali, documented in What Ali Wore. Apparently, Ali (a retired doctor turned tailor) walks past Zoe’s place of work in Berlin every morning, dressed to the nines; despite their […]