Friday Fancies

We’ve written almost entirely about the work of other people lately – between Jack finishing his semester and me still fighting this darn cough, we didn’t get to UJC projects beyond shipping posters this week. So it goes.

friday fancies // union jack creative

Last night we finally had a chance to check out Harpoon’s new beer hall for a tasting event – Jack ogled the view of the bottling lines, and I admired the hexagonal tile and the wood of the bar. The space was clearly designed with large events in mind, and it’s going to be fascinating to watch as the surrounding area changes over the next few years.

friday fancies // union jack creative

friday fancies // union jack creative

Before you kick off the weekend, be sure to check out Manon Wethly’s #flyingstuff instagram photos, and modern depictions of historical figures at The Telegraph. If you can spare a few minutes for videos, catch Willie Witte’s mind-bending Screengrab, Alexander Chen’s creation of a one man orchestra in Viola Through Glass, and Shams Prod’s dizzying Paragliding Circus. (Mom, you’re going to want to skip that last one.)

Have a terrific weekend!

image credits: Union Jack Creative

earlier this week: 1,2,3,4

his jam | her jam

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