Brazilian Umbrellas From Above

This morning was a rainy commute; I can only hope the roads will stay dry for the ride home, even if my shoes won’t be.

brazilian umbrellas from above // union jack creative

Something about the drop in temperature—in the space just between a muggy morning run and my departure for work—and a longing for more summer had me in just the right mindset to catch Vanderlei Almeida’s photos on Getty Images when Delia shared one on facebook.

brazilian umbrellas from above // union jack creative

Brazilian photographer Almeida captured umbrellas in Rio yesterday as their temperatures plummeted, too. We’ve documented our soft spots for Brazil, Rio and umbrellas here before; these photos we perfect for my morning on so many fronts.

brazilian umbrellas from above // union jack creative

And check out that variety in umbrella colors and styles! (In Boston, that’s unheard of: black umbrellas or bust.) Be sure to head to Getty Images to see the rest of the set (previewed with their watermark), and other work by Vanderlei Almeida.

image credits: Vanderlei Almeida/Getty Images

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