Iconic Illustrations

How neat are these illustrations of iconic buildings from Portuguese artist André Chiote?

The silhouette of the Niterói Museum of Contemporary Art is what first caught my eye – its shape is unmistakable, and Jack and I visited when we were in Brazil too many years ago.

iconic illustration // union jack creative

We’ve got a soft spot for contemporary art museums, and we spend a lot of time in them when we travel. Chiote’s illustrations sparked my imagination and reignited wanderlust.

iconic illustration // union jack creative

iconic illustration // union jack creative

iconic illustration // union jack creative

For more of this series, spend some time at Chiote’s portfolio; illustrations are sorted by country, so you can easily find your favorite structures. Where would you like to go?

image credits: 1,3,4,5-André Chiote, via designboom; 2-Union Jack Creative

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  1. Pingback: Union Jack Creative – Brazilian Umbrellas From Above

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