Maggie Austin Cake

Though it’s not our area of expertise (unless consuming cake is an area of expertise), we spend some time each week on wedding-themed Pinterest boards filled with cakes, particularly when we’re getting a feel for clients’ aesthetic ahead of designing an invitation suite.

maggie austin // union jack creative

All of that is to say, it’s not entirely a surprise to come across beautiful baked goods, though we don’t usually focus on non-stationery wedding trappings here – but you guys, THESE CAKES.

maggie austin cake // union jack creative

Maggie Austin, a classical ballerina turned prestigiously-trained pastry designer, has an immense portfolio of absolutely stunning cakes. They’re small, tall, bold, baroque, floral, faunal and amazing.

maggie austin cake // union jack creative

maggie austin cake // union jack creative

maggie austin cake // union jack creative

As I assembled some of those I found most arresting, it struck me that many of these photos – works of art in and of themselves – look as if they could be paintings of cake.

maggie austin cake // union jack creative

maggie austin cake // union jack creative

maggie austin cake // union jack creative

Austin is based in the Washington, D.C. area, but will work with clients to cover some longer distances as well. You really must visit her portfolio – there are so, so many more!

image credits: Maggie Austin Cakes

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