Crayola Construction


As the child of an art teacher, I never went without fresh crayons (always Crayola, never the cheap, waxy kind) – not even when I colored on the walls. I also have distinct memories of being threatened with not being allowed to visit the Crayola factory if I didn’t behave myself; it may be the very first time I recognized any future implication of my immediate behavior. And boy, it was effective.

Jack loves making-of videos, so when I came across a post yesterday featuring a stop at the Crayola visitors center in Easton, PA I decided to go on a hunt for more factory videos. That, friends, is how I came across this gem – a clip from vintage Sesame Street, with a rockin’ soundtrack.

Now I’m craving a crisp, new box of crayons, and pondering a return trip to the Crayola factory next time I’m in Pennsylvania. Potentially, it could be less fun as an adult – but that seems unlikely.

For more Crayola making-of goodness, sans Sesame Street soundtrack, check out this more detailed factory video at How Stuff Works.

5 thoughts on “Crayola Construction

  1. Beki says:

    I’m game any time you’re ready to go…and I still buy brand new crayons for my students every year, and always the 24 count, NEVER only 8 colors from which to choose!

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