The Tip of the Iceberg: Zaria Forman

I’ve seen Zaria Forman’s work before; you might have also, scrolling past it online, assuming it to be striking photographs.

zaria forman // union jack creative

What brought me back yesterday was an instagram photo of a work in progress.

zaria forman // union jack creative

Zaria Forman works in pastels.

zaria forman // union jack creative

I am blown away by Forman’s skill, and her dedication to exploring climate change and its impacts on our landscapes; she photographs icebergs and oceans around the world, and works from those photographs to create her large-scale drawings.

zaria forman // union jack creative

See much, much more from Zaria Forman – including her process, her focus and her work – at her site, and find time lapse videos and works in progress on instagram.

image credits: Zaria Forman

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