Passing Through Providence

Jack and I are both battling colds this week, staring bleary-eyed at magazine layouts and lettering—but last weekend we were in Providence for a 36-hour getaway.

styleweek // union jack creative

It’s been a while since we’ve taken a Big Trip, but occasionally we hop on the commuter rail (or, sometimes, our bikes) and head to Providence for a quick break. This time, we swung through StyleWeek, checked out current offerings at the RISD Museum, dropped in at the Dorrance (gorgeous space), stumbled upon the Duck & Bunny, and wiled away a bit of time in Nostalgia.

We also forgot to charge our phones, so photographic evidence is minimal.

passing through providence // union jack creative

It was a lovely break. The RISD Museum is a favorite of ours, and Arlene Shechet’s Meissen Recast (above) was delightful; the Dorrance and the Duck & Bunny were new-to-us, but fed us late-night truffled fries and mixed mid-morning espresso with Guinness (brilliant!), respectively. If you’re in the market for a vintage fur coat (polar vortex?), Nostalgia has an incredible collection. All are worth a visit.

What are your favorite quick getaways? Any recommendations for our next trip to Providence?

image credits: 1-RI Local; 2-Union Jack Creative

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