CJ Hendry: Photorealistic Fashion

Boston Fashion Week is just about to kick off, and with ever-impeccable timing Jack introduced me to Australian illustrator CJ Hendry.

cj hendry // union jack creative

Yes, those shoes are drawn in pen and ink—when your eyes have adjusted to the shine, check out the trim.

cj hendry // union jack creative

cj hendry // union jack creative

Hendry’s instagram feed is filled with incredible shots of her work both in progress and upon completion; even so, seeing is not quite believing until you watch her in action. Her skill in rendering textures is difficult to wrap your mind around.

cj hendry // union jack creative

I would love to see one of these in person, though the black and white photos of the works are mesmerizing themselves. (CJ, where can I buy one? Please?)

cj hendry // union jack creative

cj hendry // union jack creative

For more of CJ Hendry’s absolutely stunning work, I highly recommend her instagram feed. Incredible.

image credits: CJ Hendry, via A R T N A U

video credit: CJ Hendry

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