Up Close and Personal: The Art of the Selfie

Today, in ways that I ruin pictures:

up close and personal // union jack creative

Jack has a tendency to get a little snap happy when we’re all crowded around the island in his mother’s kitchen prepping meals or playing cards.

up close and personal // union jack creative

Our responses show it.

up close and personal // union jack creative

It’s been a busy week, with some big Hollaback! events mixed in, so today you get just get these snapshots.

up close and personal // union jack creative

up close and personal // union jack creative

up close and personal // union jack creative

You’re welcome.

Are you a proficient selfie-taker, or do you always muck it up like I do? What are your tricks? (If you’ve ever wondered why I take so many pictures of my shoes, there you have it: it’s just better for everyone.)

image credits: Union Jack Creative

2 thoughts on “Up Close and Personal: The Art of the Selfie

  1. Pingback: Union Jack Creative – Friday Fancies

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