Friday Fancies

Happy Friday! We’re aiming not to let the dreary weather (really, it’s spring now?) dampen our spirits. Tonight we’ll head to the ICA for their annual Party on the Harbor, and with Jack’s final paper for the semester out of the way we may be able to enjoy some Derby festivities or SoWa’s opening day this weekend. Time will tell.

One of my very favorite discoveries of this week was Colossal, an art and design blog headed by Christopher Jobson. How I’ve missed Colossal thus far is beyond me, but every post is a delight – go on, check it out, but don’t say I didn’t warn you when you get lost in the archives. (image credit: Colossal)

Thanks to Colossal, I was also introduced this week to the Trashcam Project. In cooperation with Christoph Blaschke, Mirko Derpmann, Scholz & Friends Berlin and the Hamburg sanitation department, standard trash containers were transformed into enormous pinhole cameras, and used by Hamburg’s garbagemen to capture their city on film. The results are both surprising and stunning – see more on the Trashcam Flickr feed. (image credit: Trashcam Project)

Today marks what would have been the 54th birthday of artist Keith Haring, and Google honored his memory with a doodle. I’m a bit partial to Keith, both as a graffiti artist and a hero in the hometown that we shared; when our paths last crossed, I was far too young to understand his impact on the art world, AIDS or that I really shouldn’t glue the pages of the coloring book he gave me together. Today’s Google doodle made me smile. (image credit: Google)

Cross your fingers for sunshine, and have a lovely weekend!

2 thoughts on “Friday Fancies

  1. Mutti says:

    Today’s Google doodle made me smile too, and reminded me of dinner conversation in NYC a short while back. Not only are those pages glued together, but they’re glittered and colored as well. I think Keith would have wanted it that way.

  2. Pingback: Union Jack Creative – Common Ground: Joris Kuipers + Mademoiselle Maurice

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