Author Archives: Kate

Excellent Eggs

As a kid, egg decorating with my great aunt Nita (“Nina” to me) was always a highlight of spring. No ordinary dip-and-dye would do for Nina, the retired art teacher, and me, meticulous art teacher’s daughter that I was. We poked pins into pencil erasers and dipped the pin heads into melted parafin to draw […]

Cycle Style

Today, Jack’s making an appearance over at Cycle Style Boston. Jack and I are both big fans of bicycles, but even I can’t match Jack’s dedication to commuting by bike all year long – I just get sick of the slop sometimes. And lazy. Nathaniel Fink, the local artist and photographer behind Cycle Style Boston, hopes […]

Playing With Food

Artist and architect “Red” Hong Yi has been known for her large portraits constructed with unexpected media: Yao Ming with a basketball and Ai Weiwei in sunflower seeds, among others. This month, though, her focus has been on creativity with food. Sharing a new piece on Instagram every day, Red has been constructing masterpieces with […]

Unbrella Season

Spring is coming to Boston – just not yet. In the meantime, amid all this slop and bluster, it’s been high season for un-brellas: you may recall my fascination with abandoned bumpershoots from this post last year. It was a long, safe winter for Boston’s umbrellas, but March came in like a lion and brought widespread destruction. […]