Flat Collage in Three Dimensions from Mowgli Omari

My introduction to “flat” art and design was Takashi Murakami’s work on the inaugural Art Wall of the ICA Boston space in 2006, done in the artist’s Superflat style. Since then, we’ve seen a return to flat designs in web and mobile interfaces, as well as elsewhere in contemporary art and print design; it was in this frame of mind that I first clicked through to the portfolio of Mowgli Omari.

mowgli omari // union jack creative

Omari works in collage, and the piece that first caught my eye was so bold, so bright, and has such a painted quality, that I assumed it to be physically flat, and a take on the current flat trends. I had to see more; it turns out, the work is actually three dimensional, and the effect is actually layered, rolled or folded paper.

mowgli omari // union jack creative

A part of Omari’s Horizon series, the first piece I saw is one of my favorites – but there are many more.

mowgli omari // union jack creative

mowgli omari // union jack creative

mowgli omari // union jack creative

mowgli omari // union jack creative

mowgli omari // union jack creative

For more of this series and other works, be sure to visit Mowgli Omari’s tumblr portfolio and flickr feed.

image credits: Mowgli Omari

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