It’s looking more spring-like from my vantage in Pennsylvania than the Instagram photos I’m seeing coming out of Boston, but it’s still colder than this time last year – when highs in Boston were in the 80s and Jack and I had a lovely warm run and dinner al fresco. (Thanks for that reminder, Timehop. Sheesh.)
Before you call it quits this week, how about a quick review of How to Start a Campfire (including some excellent type)? Also scroll through this guide to photoshop (web design) etiquette, feast your eyes on Maria Del Camino, the flying car, and ramp up your productivity with the help of Coffitivity: a brilliant bit of coffee shop background noise that plays on loop and keeps creative juices flowing.
What will you do this weekend?
image credits: Dark Rye, via Lost in America
I got to actually teach 20 ladies how to make real campfires last weekend. It was pretty awesome.