Sometimes, the world of the world wide web can get a bit confusing. Jack studied information science, and works in an IT role daily, so these things come easily for him.
I fall somewhere between the levels of expert and exceptionally uninformed, and I’ll admit to a tendency to tune out conversation that delves into the technical (or, worse yet, to fail embarrassingly at tech-related trivial pursuit questions).
For anyone not working in web design on the regular, or just wanting to brush up, some alternatives to ignorance.
Skillcrush covers one tech topic a day, and allows you to sign up to have these delivered to your inbox. The explanations are simple, concise and clever, and the graphics are great to boot. This has quickly become one of my favorite daily emails – never again (or, not as often) will I answer a trivia question about HTML incorrectly!
Ready for the next level? Codecademy is ready to teach you how to code, one lesson at a time. Interactive lessons are easy to follow, and badges are awarded for milestones. The primary focus is JavaScript, but lessons in HTML and CSS fundamentals have been rolled out as well. Check it out!