Viva la Weekend

We’ve spent many of our weekends lately in transit, camping, celebrating and otherwise not being available, and it’s taken a toll. This weekend, though it broke our hearts to turn down a canoe trip, we decided it was time for a break, and a chance to catch up on some tasks that had been neglected.

Item the First: test out the cursive typewriter we’ve been storing for Jack’s sister. (Hardship, really.)

We’ve been meaning to play around with this for quite some time, and the recent engagement of dear friends for whom we’ll be handling invitations was all the motivation we needed to test it out while brainstorming.

We’re excited about the possibilities – should you need anything typewritten in cursive, let us know.

A couple of additional projects have recently wrapped, and a few more are just getting started. Among other things, we’ll be working to (finally) get our Etsy storefront updated and filled out. Stay tuned!

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