Reflections on Rune

Norwegian artist Rune Guneriussen has apparently been assembling and photographing these haunting, alien landscapes for quite some time, taking veritable herds of everyday objects widely presumed to be intended for indoor use and making it seem as though, in fact, we’ve got it all wrong; they should be set free. Globes, chairs, books, tables, lamps, telephones, chocolate bears – all have a chance in front of the lens, with positively stunning results.

I spent a few too many minutes perusing Guneriussen’s portfolio after happening across one of his images featured in a Jealous Curator guest-post at SFGirlByBay, and found them to be wholly mesmerizing. I highly recommend you settle in to take a look yourself – or, at the very least, enjoy a few of my favorites of Rune’s work below. (credit for all images: Rune Guneriussen)


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