On Ampersands

Ampersands and I really do not get along. I find them to be the most challenging figure to form, and I spend whole sheets of paper practicing various ampersand styles, testing out my own, trying to perfect the form – and still have not found one that I’m comfortable placing amidst my calligraphy. 


Knowing of my personal struggle with ampersands, you can imagine my excitement upon discovering Sh*t [Ampersand] – a whole blog dedicated to the weirdest, ugliest and funniest ampersands ever created by a tortured typographer. The following are some recent personal favorites – click on each image to link to its original post at Sh*t&

The Dogwood


What do you think? I, for one, am feeling much better about my struggle to master the ampersand.

2 thoughts on “On Ampersands

  1. Pingback: Union Jack Creative – Friday Fancies

  2. Pingback: Union Jack Creative – Ampersands Revisited

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