Friday Fancies

Happy Friday! We promise we’ll have a margarita or two in your honor, while pondering these things we fancy.

Bonnie Tsang’s blog is one that I have filed in my reader under “Inspiration.” I especially love her Stylish Living series, in which she interviews equally inspiring women – but truly, every bit of her content is lovely, and the images in this recent post featuring autumn in New York are no exception. (image credit: Bonnie Tsang)

Nick Lepard’s work was striking to us even before we noticed the dimensions of each piece – The Long Now, above, comes in at 66″x54″. His works in charcoal on paper, though on a smaller scale, are equally engrossing. We’re smitten. (image credit: Nick Lepard)

Neo-Traditionalist Katie Armour recently featured this canary yellow, sailor-striped tote by BayanHippo on Etsy – and it looks like just the thing to carry that stack of books to the beach – or back to the library – not to mention sturdy enough to handle a bruising day at any urban farmers’ market. (image credit: BayanHippo)

What’s striking your fancy this week?

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