Jack’s spending this snowy Sunday tasting whisky at Julio’s annual grand tasting, and I’m catching up on some outgoing shipments from our shop. Exciting stuff!
I also took a moment to revisit this color matching test from Method of Action. Jack discovered this on Friday, and nearly aced it; I had an inexplicably difficult time figuring out the controls (as if I’d never used a mouse before), and was still feeling a bit bitter about my low score when I found the tab still open on my computer this morning.
Give it a try! Or maybe two. (I’m happy to report my performance was much improved by a second attempt.)
image credit: Union Jack Creative
Where does a 7.2 get me? I struggle with the triadic for some reason…but I really find this enjoyable!
7.7 – Tetradic kicked my butt this time! I was on a 9.- course until then. This could easily be addicting.