Another week has come and gone, and it’s almost July to boot!
In honor of the start of Le Tour tomorrow, we’d be remiss not to share the incredible photography of Mike Powell of Held & Associates. The series The Greatest Race is all Tour, all the time, but the rest of the Held group’s sports photography is equally stunning and inspiring. Take a look at more of their portfolio! (image credit: Mike Powell, Held & Associates)
In a complete 180 from the hubbub of the Tour, Andrew Miller’s 100 Days of Brand Spirit aims to reduce branded objects to their purest forms. For 100 days (now complete), Miller painted an object – found, gifted, previously in his possession or purchased for under $10 – completely white, and photographed these objects stripped of their branding. The results are visually intriguing, witty and intellectually challenging at times. Revisit all 100 items at the project’s Tumblr blog. (image credit: Andrew Miller)
As anyone at my day job can attest, I have a post-it problem. That, combined with my lifelong propensity to doodle, made my discovery of SoupStudio’s Post-Itable a bit of an Aha! moment. The piece itself is pretty self-explanatory: the entire surface of the Post-Itable is an enormous tablet of post-its, ready for brainstorming, note-taking and general brilliance. Fill a sheet, peel it off and start fresh. Love at first sight. For more shots of the Post-Itable in action, or to view more of SoupStudio’s awesome work, head to their site. (image credit: SoupStudio)
Have a lovely weekend!